Bethesda Parent and Toddlers meets in Bethesda Church every Wednesday morning between 9.30 – 11.30am during school term time.

We welcome all parents, guardians, grandparents and childminders along with their babies and toddlers.

The hall is set up with facilities, such as baby changing facilities, baby mats and rockers, for tiny babies, along with a variety of toys, games, books and activities to engage the interests and imaginations of toddlers and young children. Every week there is also an opportunity for children to make a simple craft using either paint or gluing and sticking. Over the last term we, for example, made peacocks from paper plates, crowns for the Diamond Jubilee and a Father’s Day card.

We also have available cups of tea, coffee or fruit squash, toast and healthy snacks of fruit and vegetables.

Our charge is £2 per child per session (£1 per additional child) which covers all costs.

As places are limited, please get in touch in order to reserve a place for you and your child.